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KeyLogic GM/Chrysler/Mits/Toyota/Lexus On-Board Prog OBD2 Dongle Model: KLG-DNGL-CMBO - ZIPPY LOCKS

KeyLogic GM/Chrysler/Mits/Toyota/Lexus On-Board Prog OBD2 Dongle Model: KLG-DNGL-CMBO

  • $7800

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A 3-in-1 tool to help you on-board program (OBP) your customer's keys and remotes in a professional manner. Many GM, Chrysler, and Mitsubishi remotes require jumping a couple pins in the OBD2 port to program. When reflashing Toyota/Lexus, many require a 30-minute reset process involving jumping a couple other pins in the OBD2 port for 30 minutes to program. Now you can do it easily and inexpensively with this GM / Mitsubishi OBP Dongle from KeyLogic.

  1. Toyota/Lexus: Turn the right switch off and flip the left switch to TOY/LEX. Wait the 30 minutes per your programming instructions, and then continue.
  2. GM: Turn the left switch off and flip the right switch to GM. Then continue with your remote programming instructions for the vehicle you're working on.
  3. Chrysler/Mitsubishi: Turn the left switch off and flip the right switch to CHR/MIT. Then continue with your remote programming instructions for the vehicle you're working on.

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